Teachers air their reaction towards the viral short film of “Vincentiments.”
Because of the pandemic, most professors and students suddenly find themselves forced to use technology as they teach and learn.
Our community is at the epicenter of the current emergency remote-teaching disruption. Charged with developing the plan to move to teach immediately online and/or directly making it happen, they are exhausted because their resources fall far short of need.
Amid this, a now-viral video of a short film about online schooling became the talk of the town.
The almost 10-minute short film shows a student undergoing an online class.
She met some distractions at home while delivering a report.
Frustrated by the teacher’s prodding to finish the report, the student launches into a rant that tackles high tuition fee despite the shift to online education and how homes are not conducive to learning.
The student also criticizes teachers’ methods during online classes, saying that teachers are insensitive to their struggles and students find it hard to adequately participate.
The student adds that “online class does not equal to online learning.”
The said the video is now circulating on different social media platforms, created by ‘VinCentiments.”
Upon watching, many teachers air their disappointment towards it.
“Our teachers do not deserve this disrespect.”
The University of the Philippines (UP) College of Education Student Council also came to the defense of teachers.
Here are some other comments;
Some say that they give full effort for the upcoming online schooling.
While others said that they also didn’t want these online classes to happen.
But apparently, VinCentiments doesn’t want to apologize for the hurt they’ve caused for the teachers.
Watch the said video below:
What is your reaction to the video?
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Source: Mostrending PH